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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pink Roses

I think that a perk of running a therapeutic flower shoppe is that I get to make orders of fresh flowers for the veterans to take care of and prep.

This being so, I chose to buy 2 varieties of pink roses.

We have Malibu and Titanic. Malibu is fuschia and cream colored rose (on the left side) and the fuschia pink is on the edges. The Titanic rose (right) is very light pink and has a heavenly scent. I found a couple of images on Google.

Did you know that most roses that you buy at the store have no rose scent? When a rose has scent that means that the shelf life is going to be shorter. Breeders have bred the scent out...


Here is how we packaged the two types of roses in a clear rose box. Sorry for the fuzziness because I use my phone camera. Enjoy Mother's Day! Buy some flowers!


  1. Oh, they are so pretty! I love carnations but if I had to chose, those roses would be hard to resist.

  2. I love carnations because they stay pretty so long. Thanks!

  3. The Titanic are so pretty! It's really a shame they breed the smell out...quite sad, actually.

  4. it is a tragedy that breeders chose longevity over smell. But... folks don't want to spend big bucks for long stemmed roses that only last a few days.

