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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fall Colors at Home

My garden at home is no bigger than a townhouse wide. I am thankful because by the time I get home from gardening and wrangling with my crew, I am truly exhausted. Add to that, a 14 year old who tends to get rather "saucy" (her words).

So the variety of flowers that I can grow are minimized by design. But my impatiens are phosphorescent with the copper hummingbird and looking happy!

The weather today was absolutely divine. I woke up around 7am and trimmed down the bee balm, sea holly, and zinnias. But the moon beam coreopsis, the prairie coreopsis, and my electric orange New Guinea Impatiens are still glowing in fall beauty.


  1. Beautiful colors. Your coreopsis makes me want to plant a different variety than I have - 'Zagreb' I think. Mine are now finished blooming and seedy looking.

  2. Oh! That last picture was such a delightful combination! I totally know what you mean about size of garden! I get home from work and it's just hard to work on your own space/container (as the case may be :). I am fine with that for now, because I am just container gardening right now, but someday, when I have my own space, I will cordon off a day where it's just My Garden. I would never want to lose the love & hobby for the sake of the career I guess.

  3. Your copper hummingbird looks lovely with the luminous impatiens.

  4. Thank you all for your wonderful comments. Fall tends to always catch me by surprise. I have learned to appreciate a glimpse of color in a garden surrounded by brown...LOL!
