We have these Sweet Box bushes ( I think that is what they are...) that have grown so tall I can not reach the top of them. The problem with their height and girth is that all sorts of trash and small mammals find their homes underneath their mighty boughs. Nope...this won't do. So the Sweet Box bushes became small trees... craftily pruned to enhance their wonderful undercarriage and morph them into a thing of beauty.

However, once the Sweet box were pruned, the azaleas that used to be small and cute a decade ago, now looked dead and unsightly and in certain areas, invasive. So, the azaleas were pruned down. In some places the crowded azaleas had to be cut down completely so that it "appeared" that they were sporadically planted along a wandering path. One of my crew suggested a bench for people to sit on. If this was on my own property, I would definitely say yes. However patients at the VA smoke and throw cigarette butts and I don't want my mini azalea forest decimated by cigarette butts.
Landscaping is half luck and mostly hard work, determination, and planning.
The day ended early for second time this week as we were having a transition. I like to celebrate with the vets their transition out of the program. So, I make a sheet cake. Since I make the cake, I usually make a chocolate cake and frost it with chocolate icing. Wednesday, we had a transition for someone that finished while I was on vacation. Friday, we had a transition for one of my OEF/OIF veterans. I present them with a certificate for completion in the Horticulture program that is signed in the front by myself and my assistant. On the back, we write words of encouragement.
Yesterday I wrote on the certificate:
"Aim for the Moon for if you miss, you will still be among stars!" I think this is good advice for myself also.
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