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Friday, June 19, 2009

Growing Texas Style

Acanthus Mollis, or Bear's Britches

I saw a picture of one of these plants on someone's website from Chicago... not quite as tall as the one growing here in Mt. Vernon. The first picture is by my Dad about a month ago when the plant first started to bloom.

The following pictures were taken this morning. It really has grown quite a bit taller in just a month's time As you can see, the plant is almost finished blooming.

Without sounding trite, I guess they do grow stuff BIG here in Texas.


  1. I always picture Texas like Oklahoma, lots of grassy plains and that is about it. Boy, I was wrong! It's really pretty!

  2. Alot of places, are very grassy and open. However, where my folks live, it has a lot of Live Oaks... and Pine trees. We jestingly call it the 'lodge' as it has the feel of a state park. Thanks!

  3. Thanks for sharing the pictures from Texas. It's fun to see what's growing in other climates.

  4. Marie... its back to PA and what a change! Back to the daily grind on Monday. Thanks for dropping by.`k
