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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Humidity has returned.

The humidity has returned, and alas, I am never prepared. We in Pennsylvania have really been spoiled this summer because the humidity has only just arrived. I am truly thankful.


I tried to work the patients out in the Formal Garden at the front of the facility. But, within 60 minutes we were all feeling sluggish. With breaks, the crew and I were able to make it until lunch at 11:15am. Returned at 12:15pm and again was dragging my feet in my steel toed boots by 1pm. So, we packed up the truck and went under the shade. Still not finish weeding and mulching the beds at the entire facility ... I have saved the shady locations for this time of year when I can not work in the full sun but for an hour or two.

Since the Boss of the vocational programs at the facility suggested that we stay open over the summer, we have kept the shoppe open 2 days a week instead of 3 days a week. It has been difficult as we have not had a steady crew of patients. However, I am closing the shoppe next week to catch up with activities that are falling by the wayside.

Happy Gardening,



  1. I feel your pain...only in Texas the humidity never goes away...it moves in ans sets up house. I have just learned to do all the outside work early in the morning or later in the evening...too hot to be in the sun.

    I think the armadilloes love heat...I have 6 of them that dig up my beds and caused general havoc. The little tanks are practically indestructable. Want me to send you one?

  2. My father complains of the same thing and they are in East Texas. We have groundhogs... the furry cousin of the armidillos. Groundhogs are always in search of grubs... and bulbs when they can find them. Thank you for your hospitality, but I must decline.


  3. Oh yeah and armadilloes till the sow...they dig up EVERYTHING. Who needs a Troy-Bilt with these little suckers around...and they are low emission. :)

  4. I am really liking this summer. It's been so cool. My garden seems to be doing fine regardless.

  5. It has been glorious for the first part of the summer. Not complaining. Whining a little but not complaining!
