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Monday, November 3, 2008

stayin busy

I'm in between a couple of seasons in my horticulture program. I have more hands than activities. Summer is intense with the very physical demands in landscaping. Life slows down a tad and we reopen the Flower shop. Late September and most of October, we clean up around the facility by pulling annuals, trimming perennials, in general putting the flowerbeds to sleep. Then... we hit the transition time. Its the time after fall and before Christmas...the QUIET ZONE. I try to think up activities that need to be done. I already re-organized my dried flowers and silks. Sharpened all the tools. The lavender topiaries are just in need of growing. The stupid tuberous begonias need a miracle! And I put the hanging baskets on sale...what else??? I think tomorrow we are going to go up on the patient units and check the plants that are in common areas. They might need to be replaced, re potted, or in general cleaned up. Have a few other clean up chores to do.

It may grate your nerves...but a positive visible program is a program that stays on in funding and in memory. At the Medical Center, the Horticulture Therapy program donates items for several Veteran's Week activities. This helps the guys keep busy, plus, puts the program in the appropriate good graces through out the year (always a good idea...find someone to be a patron of your program who is well connected and well liked in management!!). Wednesday is the Women's Luncheon which we are donating 125+ potted African Violets that have red-white-blue ribbon picks in them (with a thank you card too from the shop). Thursday is the Veteran's Banquet (which we made table arrangements).

Thursday, I am also taking on a special project with 2-3 kids from the local high school special ed program. I will have the students for about 2 hours with their job coach. Depending on the weather, I think we will work outside making cuttings off the vinca vine. Can make small plants to sell in the shop by spring.

That's what's happening here. Trying to stay busy... and stay visible but stay out of trouble!

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