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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Weird Wednesday

This deafening quiet at the Flower Shop is eery. The only exciting thing to happen today was delivering and prepping about 140 violets for the Women Veterans Luncheon. The violets were used as favors for each veteran and could be taken home at the end of the luncheon. Yesterday we finished putting 3 red-white-blue ribbon pics (that were handmade) in each 4 in violet pot. I also grabbed the moment and made a small pink tag smaller than the size of a business card and said "thank you from the Horticulture Therapy Program." hey... got to advertise whenever you can!!

The organizer called this morning at 8:50am a little "excited" because we had not made our delivery of flower favors.... ahem! So, I loaded up all the flowers on two rolling carts and had two patients take them to their final destination with instructions to get started and I would join them as soon as possible. When I was finally relieved from the Flower Shop, I motivated very quickly to the site and my patients and the organizer had already started to set the violets on the tables as favors. Yea!!! I gave a final prep-pinching off dead blooms and leaves. As I am fussing, the coordinator comes by and says... maybe we can get something different next year? These African violets were special ordered from one of my shop vendors. I used my HT budget and paid for the flowers. I said, well, I can get African Violets inexpensively and they are free to you! If you are willing to pay for something different, you can have anything that you want!! Wow, that adjusted that whine!

  • the topiaries are at 50% or less success rate. It could be a gazillion reasons from whitefly and spidermite infestations to too many cooks in the broth. Mostly because too many people were fussing with the lavender and we waited too long to separate the lavender into individual plants and they just are doing poorly.
  • since today was so slow at the shop, one of my patients started working on his mosaic in earnest. it has a nautical pirate inspiration. i am encouraging him to keep the tiles with minimal formica showing as we use the adhesive as filler in between tiles.
  • a few of the sand art cacti have sold. i think it will probably do better at Christmas time.

Going to work with students from a special education program tomorrow. Have worked with that population before but not while at this facility. So, it will be interesting to see how this all blends together.

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